Badri Adhikari,
University of Missouri-St. Louis, United States
Frederic Alexandre,
INRIA, France
Al-Janabi Al-Janabi,
University of Babylon, Iraq
Luis E Anido-Rifon,
University of Vigo, Spain
Nebojsa Bacanin,
Singidunum University, Serbia
Enrico Blanzieri,
University of Trento, Italy
Stefano Cavuoti,
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Stephan Chalup,
The University Newcastle, Australia
Claudio Cusano,
University of Pavia, Italy
Ke-Lin Du,
Concordia University Montréal, Canada
Corneliu Florea,
Laboratory of Image Processing and Analysis, Applied Electronics and Information Engineering, Romania
Pablo Gil,
Computer Science Research Institute, University of Alicante, Spain
Gilles Bruno Guillot,
CSL Behring / Swiss Institute for Translational and Entrepreneurial Medicine, Switzerland
Tunga Gungor,
Bogazici University, Turkey
Laurent Heutte,
Université de Rouen, France
Dariusz Jacek Jakóbczak,
Technical University of Koszalin, Poland
Chang-Hsing Lee,
Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, Republic of China
Marco Leo,
National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Fuhai Li,
Washington University Saint Louis, United States
Ge Li,
Peking University, China
Yung-Hui Li,
National Central University, Taiwan, Republic of China
Huaqing Li,
Southwest University, China
Yang Liu,
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China
Fernando Lyardet,
Urban Software Institute GmbH, Germany
Perry D. Moerland,
Amsterdam UMC, University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tomoyuki Naito,
Osaka University, Japan
Juan Jose Pantrigo,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
George A. Papakostas,
International Hellenic University, Greece
Stefania Perri,
University of Calabria, Italy
Wojciech Pietrowski,
Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Oksana Pomorova,
University of Lodz, Poland
Mircea-Bogdan Radac,
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania
Miloš Radovanovic,
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Serbia
Sivaramakrishnan Rajaraman,
National Library of Medicine, United States
José Saavedra,
Orand S.A, Chile
Jitae Shin,
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, Republic of
Sunghwan Sohn,
Mayo Clinic, United States
Minghe Sun,
University Texas San Antonio, United States
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz,
AGH University Science Technology, Poland
Aalt van Dijk,
Wageningen University Research Centre, Netherlands
Jianhua Xuan,
Virginia Tech, United States
Seokwon Yeom,
Daegu University, Korea, Republic of
Yizhou Yu,
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Wang Zhi,
Nankai University, China